Tuesday, September 18, 2012

MADO Restaurant

MADO is a "must see" restaurant when traveling through Turkey. This restaurant not only has great ice cream which is made with "goat milk" but free WiFi.Mado is essentially a chain for gourmet Turkish desserts. Turkish ice cream called "dondurma" is delicious as its creamy and somewhat chewy. Anytime you need something sweet or even salty come to MADO and enjoy the delicious food.

 This restaurant prides itself in quality food that not only is attractive on the outside but rich with flavor when eating. This chain of restaurants can be found almost anywhere in Turkey and is very popular among the Turks and the tourists. The ice cream below is cut in individual pieces and when you try to cut it with your fork and knife, it stretches. Not like your usual ice cream that will just melt but this ice cream is different in texture than anything else. Typically, they have many different flavors but my three favorite flavors are vanilla, pistachio, and chocolate.

One more thing, don't forget to ask for some "baklava" with your ice cream, nothing is complete without even a little piece of this pastry. Enjoy!

Check out their website: http://mado.com.tr/ (you can use google translate in order to tanslate the page)

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